Thursday, November 09, 2006

Stuff I should really be giving attention to...

It has been almost 3 weeks since the Second Filipino Komiks Convention. Admittedly it took up a lot of my precious work hours. Helping organize the convention and taking time to produce our group's merchandise for the event took a big chunk of time I should have been alloting to my work load. I've been denying the fact that it was the reason for countless of my delays but in retrospect I now believe it is the culprit. Funny I think it also caused the burnout I feel currently.

Anyway thats the past and Im trying really, really hard to cope with my burgeoning deadlines. I'm happy to note that I have finally made a big headway on some of them. I really should stop dawdling and watching stuff on tv for hours and get back in gear. I see unemployment and depression in the near future if I dont get back to my daily routine. I'm sensing alot of damage has already been dealt to my heh fragile employment status....

But thats not what I wanted to write about. This blog is quite senseless and if you managed to read up to this sentence I salute you. What I wanted to write about are about the books that we released last convention. It was short of a lifetime achievement for myself and another goal notched out from my long term plans. What was it? Was it an earth shattering discovery? A milestone in human history? Not quite, it was my first ever published comicbook Anthology , granted I got help in finance and logistics from my good friend Ilog, still it was an accomplishment I'm too eager to take credit for.

So what exactly did we accomplish? Aside from probably pissing off once more the vanguards of classical Pinoy Komiks (which we never really do intend to do, in fact I grew up reading those newsprint publications, too bad I missed out on the golden age though) and raising the eyebrows of those who firmly believed that comicbooks here are dead, the fact is, we accomplished a goal we have set. A goal that regardless of whatever others may say about it, we truly believed in. We have shared to the public stories we wanted others to read, to hear, to see. Thats all we ever wanted to do. We do not really hope to raise up an industry in the throes of death or probably already in rigor mortis. We do not really see ourselves as saviours with ideologies that would inspire a generation to pick up a medium that few rarely respect. We just want to share our stories, and if ever we do make others pick up other comicbooks, then all the better.

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Fresh is a collection of short stories done by people who grew up reading comicbooks be it Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Filipino, American or otherwise. We grew up watching animation shows imported from everywhere from the West to our oriental neighbors and shown on our local television networks. We are a generation that thrived on the visual even our music are no longer just audio. The collective output of all our influences can be seen in Fresh: A sequential portfolio of stories we want to share. If ever you do come across a copy, please do me the honor of just browsing thru it before ignoring it.

Ok I really lost my point in the middle of writing this post. Sorry for whatever babble I wrote that may not make sense....


PS FRESH: KOMIKS ATBP will soon be available in shops. Its a comicbook anthology with works from Taga-Ilog, Elmer Damaso, Hai Ibardolaza, Roy Canlas, Michael David, Pat Aguasin, Ludz and Dexter B. Roxas. Perhaps you've heard of them. Please do give it a try.


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